Eigentlich bin ich nicht der Typ für Vereine und Organisationen. Zwar bin ich Mitglied in beruflichen Netzwerken und Berufsverbänden und sogar seit Jahrzehnten inaktives Mitglied im CCC, aber gerade von Vereinen im Bereich Autismus habe ich mich bisher immer eher ferngehalten. Es eint einen ja doch nicht mehr, als eine geteilte Diagnose. Unter anderem einige… Continue reading

The „Aspie“-Divide

Unfortunately, though, there is a tendency to divide „us“ from „them“ in our community. Many parents view „Aspies“ as something apart from their children, not something that their children could one day grow into. They assume, because we are articulate and we have learned the rules, that we have „overcome“ challenges. This is a ridiculous and dangerous assumption.
It’s dangerous because it denies adults access and it leads parents to deny that their children will one day be autonomous decision makers, guiding their adult lives with only the supports they choose and achieving goals that they set for themselves.
If you’re reading this and you just said, „but my kid won’t have those things, you just don’t understand because you haven’t seen him,“ then you’re part of the problem.
I’m not saying that your child does not have challenges, though. And I’m also not saying that your child absolutely will achieve anything. Just that the assumption has to be there that, given the right supports and tools, it will be possible. It will definitely not be possible, though, if that child is immersed in an environment that assumes that successful autistics are not them. I’m saying that supporting autistic children requires showing them Autistic adults who are saying „We Are Like Your Child“.
Michael Scott Monje Jr – Don’t „Aspie“ Me

When you talk about “curing” autism, you are talking about eugenics.

Autism is not a disease, it’s not a sickness, and the vast majority of autistic people do not want to be “cured.” Autism is a huge part of us, and removing it would radically change us as human beings. When you talk about “curing” autism, you are talking about eugenics. You are not helping us, you are not supporting us, and you are certainly not listening to us.

We don’t want to be changed, we don’t want bleach enemas, hug therapy, or to be treated like we’re dogs to be trained to your standards. We want to be listened to. We want to be accepted. We want to live in a world where people don’t see us as burdens that need to be eradicated so that “normal” people can have easier lives. We are not a public health crisis that needs to be stamped out; we’re human beings with – believe it or not – real emotions and thoughts of our own and everything.