The „Aspie“-Divide

Unfortunately, though, there is a tendency to divide „us“ from „them“ in our community. Many parents view „Aspies“ as something apart from their children, not something that their children could one day grow into. They assume, because we are articulate and we have learned the rules, that we have „overcome“ challenges. This is a ridiculous and dangerous assumption.
It’s dangerous because it denies adults access and it leads parents to deny that their children will one day be autonomous decision makers, guiding their adult lives with only the supports they choose and achieving goals that they set for themselves.
If you’re reading this and you just said, „but my kid won’t have those things, you just don’t understand because you haven’t seen him,“ then you’re part of the problem.
I’m not saying that your child does not have challenges, though. And I’m also not saying that your child absolutely will achieve anything. Just that the assumption has to be there that, given the right supports and tools, it will be possible. It will definitely not be possible, though, if that child is immersed in an environment that assumes that successful autistics are not them. I’m saying that supporting autistic children requires showing them Autistic adults who are saying „We Are Like Your Child“.
Michael Scott Monje Jr – Don’t „Aspie“ Me